HVAC Tune-Ups: $149 for One System and $99 Tune-Up Services for Each Additional System
Our Tune-Ups for Spring or Fall prepare your heating and air conditioning system(s) for the hot temperatures of summer and the cold temperatures of winter.
Our professional service technicians are on hand to take care of your system.
We also offer Tune-Ups for Commercial Properties for the Rock Hill, Columbia Areas, and for Greater Charlotte, NC. Call our office to receive a quote.
We can't express enough the dangers of Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning. It is deadly and we've dedicated this space on our website to talk about it.
A Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector should be installed in your home if you have any type of gas fueling your home. This is why Hospitality Heating and Air Conditioning promotes our tune-ups, we want to check your system for any type of leaking of CO that may be occurring before you turn your furnace or gas pack on for the winter (or when you need your heat). If you don't have a detector we can help you out on that. Just give us a call!
Below is a list of household appliances that need to be checked regularly and we've also included signs to look for if you think you might be at risk.
Common emissions of CO from everyday items you might not be aware of: You won't smell this type of gas.
Signs you might be compromised by CO gas: It's almost flu-like symptoms.
You will lose consciousness and then death may occur within 2 hours of breathing CO gas in.
What should you do if you think you might be exposed? Get out of your house immediately and call a professional to come and bring in detectors to assess the situation and find the leak in your home.
We can help customers, in the Rock Hill and Columbia areas of South Carolina, and Charlotte N.C. areas, stay safe in their home by using special equipment while we perform our tune-up services.
Hospitality Heating and Air offer CO detectors if you have any type of fueled appliances.
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